... and then, Angels descended.

Frequently Asked Questions
The Basics

What is this? What does your organization do?
We are a newly formed not-for-profit organization, based out of Los Angeles, California, USA.
Our organization utilizes the power of social media (primarily Facebook) to match online volunteers,
with people whom could use some help or attention.

"... to establish, train and lead a community of volunteers to encourage and undertake regular,
structured ongoing acts of kindness, for the benefit of the general public, in order to promote
the concepts of oneness, non-judgment and brotherhood."

Who are the "Angels"?
We refer to our online volunteers as "Angels".
The term 'Angel' is used to imply the magical, benevolent, heroic qualities that are often associated with the image of an angel. We believe that all of us are Angels, when we act angelically. We do so, when we make loving, giving choices. Within this context, it is neither necessary to believe that Angels really exist, nor have any religious affiliation whatsoever.

Whom do you help?
Anybody. Everybody. Anyone whom has a need we can fill, or a problem we can help them solve.

We are a non-profit, for the benefit of the general public.

What kind of help do you provide?
We do not wish to become so specific that we quell the imagination, or place unnecessary limitations on what is possible. Our help, is only limited to what is possible for us to achieve without in-person interaction, through an online interface like Facebook (we can't come to your door and give you a hug).
Our other limitation is that the help we offer doesn't involve grants or significant monetary assistance.

Click HERE for a short 1-minute video about ways we help others.
Examples of ways we help others:

"Help" is a broad word. What are your guidelines and limitations?
Help has many forms, and too many of us have come to equate the word help, with money. There are many organizations that can provide material or financial support. We don't seek to replace or overlap their missions.
Our mission, is to provide what money cannot ​buy: someone's time, attention, and dedication to helping you fulfill a need, or solve a problem.

Limitations: Our volunteers are entirely virtual (online). They volunteer their time, from their computer, wherever they are. So our help, is currently limited to what is possible to achieve, through virtual engagement.*
The Future
* One of our long-term goals, will be to establish local chapters, 'Angels On Call', so that we can broaden the spectrum of ways we can help each other, by eliminating the restrictions that physical distance imposes.

Is there a huge need for this? Isn't this what friends and family are for?
(answer being written)

I really like this idea. How do I become an Angel (participate)?
Wonderful! Right now our missions are on hold, as we build our leadership team. Please click HERE and subscribe to our email newsletter. That way, when we're ready to launch new missions - you'll know about it! You probably won't hear from us until January, and we promise not to send you many emails!
More About Us

Angels? Is this a religious group or a Church project?
The short answer is: No. We are not a Church. Our Board of Directors are comprised of individuals with varying backgrounds. In fact, our President, was raised without any formal exposure to religion.
The longer answer still arrives at no, but will tell you a lot more, and it ends with Superheroes. ;o)

The longer answer: (being written)

No. Well, not in any traditional sense. The term 'Angel' is used to imply the magical, benevolent, heroic qualities that are often associated with the image of an angel. Our Founder believes that all of us are Angels, when we act angelically. We do so, when we make loving, giving choices. Within this context, it is neither necessary to believe that Angels really exist, nor have any religious affiliation whatsoever.
We seek to habituate people being more selfless, and making helping others a more regular part of their daily lives - regardless of any attribute of their persona or belief system.
We do believe in certain spiritual concepts, that seem quite universal across many religions and cultures. We do seek to promote greater awareness and practice of these universal concepts.
Our Guiding Principles (coming soon)

... is an essential element to our survival as a human race.

Click HERE to watch a short, amazing, animated YouTube video that will show you why we believe this.
Then, click HERE to learn more about the author of the video, and his book "The Empathic Civilization".

(coming soon)

Brotherhood (We are all in this together)
(coming soon)

Equality (We are all equal, regardless of our circumstances)
(coming soon)
Our Vision (coming soon)
Pardon our dust, as we build out our FAQ section!
>>> Known bug: Currently our FAQ section will not appear in Microsoft Internet Explorer Browsers. You'll see "an error has occurred". Please try viewing in another browser, like Firefox or Chrome.
Angels? Is this a religion-based charity?
No. Well, not in any traditional sense. The term 'Angel' is used to imply the magical, benevolent, heroic qualities that are often associated with the image of an angel. Our Founder believes that all of us are Angels, when we act angelically. We do so, when we make loving, giving choices. Within this context, it is neither necessary to believe that Angels really exist, or have any religious affiliation whatsoever.
We seek to habituate people being more selfless, and making helping others a more regular part of their daily lives - regardless of any attribute of their persona or belief system.