... and then, Angels descended.

Our Angels are everyday people.
​News Update
​Jan 2015
Our application for 501(c)3 tax-exempt status has been accepted by the IRS. Donations are now tax-deductible to the fullest extent.
Learn more about empathy, and the nation's "Empathy deficit" here:
* "Stand In My Shoes" (A crowdsourced Kickstarter Film)
​What we do
We connect people who need help, with "Angels" (online volunteers) whom collaborate and brainstorm together in chat groups, and help someone solve a problem -- right from their computer screen, on Facebook. We call it micro-volunteering.

Why it's important​
A basic human need is to feel connected and feel companionship. Ever notice how hard it is to get the undivided time and attention, even from those whom love you most? We are living in a super-connected world, yet so many of us feel so lonely, disconnected and unsupported by others. We are seeking to fill the space in-between what people need, and what they can find from existing NPOs/NGOs. The missing element... seems to be... the human one.

"Help" isn't a codeword for "money"

Help isn't a shameful word, and it doesn't mean giving someone $$$. Often times, what people need more than $$$ thrown at them, is someone's time, attention, willingness and dedication to helping them solve a problem.
We seek to help others, in the ways that money can't buy.
How to help​
Once we resume our online "missions", you can volunteer to join a team of others, to help someone, in a specific way, right from your computer screen. You'll be able to choose which missions you'd like to participate in, based on your interests and availability. Until then, please 'Like' our Facebook Page, and join our Newsletter List to stay updated!